
我每天難免都會犯一些大大小小的錯... Inevitably I make mistakes every day

我每天難免都會犯一些大大小小的錯. 因為我是人.
有些錯, 會被原諒; 有些錯, 假以時日, 也可能會被原諒.
有些錯, 假以時日, 證明了其實不是我的錯. 因為人的判斷也會出錯.

我很慶幸, 最終審判我的, 不是人的主流民意.

Inevitably I make mistakes every day, because I am just a human being.
Some mistakes are lucky to be forgiven; some will possibly be blessed as time goes by.
Some mistakes are lucky to be proved that is not my fault because other's misunderstanding.

In the final judgment, I am happy that I am not judged by the mainstream of public opinion.