
Playing the Pundit with LODLAM 2013 Session Notes

If people have the task for writing up a report after attending a conference/meeting, double-checking any detail-oriented elements about the conference/meeting is a must-do. However, web resources are scattered. Taking my experience on LODLAM 2013 for instance, the session notes of the official website only contains two notes while some notes have been submitted into different places of this official site. (Partly because the problem of user behavior) 

Some other notes have been aggregated via twitter hashtag #lodlam, but these twits have been mixed up with other lodlam information. Since we are talking about reusing and reconnecting web resources, I decide to make a test with the web annotation system, the Pundit, the winner of the LODLAM 2013 Challenge. 

Here is some results of my testing on session notes as the annotated object: the triples use "the session notes" (text fragment of the official site) as the subject; "is described in" as the property; notes from 20 web pages as the object.

The page in public notebook of the Pundit (better use Firfox browser):

Creative Commons License
Playing the Pundit with LODLAM 2013 Session Notes by Andrea Wei-Ching Huang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Vocabulary & Ontology for Library Linked Data

The vocabulary list is reorganized from Linked Open Vocabulary ; W3C Incubator Group Report (2011); the Open Metadata Registry (formerly the NSDL Registry); and some others. Note that W3C report uses two types of grouping (i.e. Value Vocabularies and Metadata Element Sets ) which are similar to the Library Community who uses Controlled Vocabularies and Metadata Schemata for classification. The list below is grouped in two types: the new emerging developments for linked open data (LOD) as well as the traditional type in LAM (Library, Archive and Museum). Each main type has sub-types based on data resource type, i.e. General for GLAM, Library/bibliography (e.g. text based data mainly), and Cultural Heritage and Museum (e.g. audio, cartographic, images, cultural/museum objects, etc.)

LOD: General for GLAM (Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum)
  1. DAIA: Document Availability Information Ontology
  2. Data Catalog Vocabulary (W3C:2013)
  3. Dataset Catalog Vocabulary (2009)
  4. DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Metadata Terms
  5. DCMI Collection Description Community
  6. DiLEO: Digital Library Evaluation Ontology
  7. Directory Schema (2005)
  8. EAC-CPF: Encoded Archival Context – Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families
  9. EAD: Encoded Archival Description
  10. EDM: Europeana Data Model
  11. EPrints Ontology
  12. Finnish Ontology Library Service ONKI
  13. GISAD: General International Standard Archival Description
  14. Linked Data Vocabularies for Cultural Heritage
  15. LOCAH RDF Vocabulary
  16. Library of Congress Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies (LC Children's Subject Headings/ LC Genre/Form Terms / LC Name Authority File/ LC Subject Headings/ MARC Countries/ MARC Geographic Areas/ Thesaurus for Graphic Materials/ ISO639 Languages/ MARC Languages/ MARC Relators)/Code List for Cultural Heritage Organizations (new)
  17. LODLAM Pattern
  18. MADS/RDF: Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF
  19. MODS/RDF: Metadata Object Description Schema in RDF
  20. MARC21: MAchine-Readable Cataloging
  21. OAI-ORE: Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange
  22. OAI ORE terms vocabularyPRONOM (2011)
  23. PREMIS: Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies Ontology (Library of Congress/LC)
  24. R4RRelations for Reusing (R4R) Ontology
  25. RSLP: Research Support Libraries Programme Collection Description Schema
  26. SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System RDF Schema
  27. SKOS-XL: SKOS eXtension for Labels
  28. SNaP Ontologies: Simple News and Press Ontologies
  29. The Pattern Ontology
  30. Works, licences, derivatives and dependencies (W3C: SWAP)

LOD: Library/bibliography/citation
  1. BIBO: Bibliographic Ontology
  2. BibTeX ontology
  3. CiTO: Citation Type Ontology
  4. GND Ontology (2012: GND stands for "Gemeinsame Normdatei" (Integrated Authority File)
  5. IFLA: The International Federation of Library Associations Lists ( ISBD / FRBRer/ FRAD / FRSAD/ UNIMARC) ; FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records / Library (final report, 2008); FRBRoo Model (version 2.0, encoded in RDFS, [6-6-2013])
  6. Library extension of schema.org (2012: OCLC)
  7. JATS: The Standard: JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, version 1.0 (ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012)*
  8. lobid vocab
  9. New York Times subject headings
  10. Norwegian translation of MeSH
  11. RDA: Resource Description and Access Vocabularies
  12. SALT Document Ontology: model the content of scientific publications at different granularity levels.
  13. SwetoDblp Ontology of Computer Science Publications
  14. SWRC: Semantic Web for Research Communities
LOD: Cultural Heritage/Museum
  1. AAT in LOD: the SPARQL end-point of vocab.getty.edu (beta)
  2. Archival collections ontology
  3. Programmes ontology (BBC)
  4. CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) RDF
  5. Curate Ontology (2012) : an ontology for describing museum narratives
  6. ICONCLASS as Linked Open Data
  7. SAMM ontology (2013): based on EDM and CIDOC CRM
  8. ma-ont(2012): Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 (W3C)
  9. Music Ontology

LAM: General
  1. ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies
  2. DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (1999); DC Metadata Term (2010)
  3. DDC: Dewey Decimal Classification System
  4. ESE: Europeana Semantic Elements
  5. GETTY: GETTY vocabulary / Some mappings by GETTY
  6. ISO 25964. Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies
  7. TEI: Text Encoding Initiative
  8. UDC: The Universal Decimal Classification
  9. VIAF: Virtual International Authority File
LAM: Library/bibliography
  1. EAD: Encoded Archival Description / (Library of Congress/LC)/XML formats/tree structure
  2. LCSH: Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH: 1898); in 2008 LCSH are published as LOD.
  3. MARC: MAchine-Readable Cataloging/MARC Standard (Library of Congress/LC:1999) :flat structure for displaying records
  4. MeSH : Medical Subject Headings
  5. METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard / (Library of Congress/LC)
  6. MODS: Metadata Object Description Schema / (Library of Congress/LC)
  7. NDLSH: National Diet Library List of Subject Headings (NDLSH)
  8. RAMEAU/SKOS/ Répertoire d'Autorité-Matière Encyclopédique et Alphabétique Unifié (RAMEAU) (French approach in subject headings cataloging as linked data 2012)
  9. SWD: Schlagwortnormdatei/ Subject Headings Authority File of the German National Library
LAM: Cultural Heritage/Museum
  1. AAT: Art and Architecture Thesaurus (Getty)
  2. AFS ET: American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus
  3. CCO Commons: Cataloging Cultural Objects Commons*
  4. CDWA: Categories for the Description of Works of Art ((Getty))
  5. CHIN Humanities Data Dictionary: Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) Humanities Data Dictionary*
  6. CIDOC-CRM: CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (2003-)
  7. CIMI: Consortium for the Computer Interchange of Museum Information
  8. EBU P/Meta Semantic Metadata Schema
  9. Iconclass: Description and retrieval of subjects represented in images
  10. LIDO: Lightweight Information Describing Objects schema of ATHENA
  11. object ID
  12. PBCore: Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary
  13. SPECTRUM: the UK Museum Collections Management Standard
  14. TGM: Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (Library of Congress/LC)
  15. ULAN: Getty Union List of Artist Names (Getty)
  16. VRA: Visual Resources Association CORE (Library of Congress/LC)