
metaRead: How to Solve the Covid Testing Data Problem | 如何解決新冠檢測資料問題

How to Solve the Covid Testing Data Problem By Faye Flam at  
https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-10-29/covid-wastewater-data-is-the-best-way-to-track-the-virus-this-winter | 彭博社論 (2022-10-29)

  • Many people are no longer taking PCR or rapid tests — even when they have symptoms. Better wastewater data can help.
  • 許多人不再接受 PCR 或 快篩——即使他們有症狀。更好的廢水資料可以提供幫助。

 Opinions include | 引用觀點來源包括:

Key points | 重要觀點:

  •  " ... as testing dropped off, the wastewater measurements separated — showing new hills that weren’t visible from official testing data" | 隨著新冠檢測的減少,廢水測量結果——顯示了官方檢測資料中看不到的新山丘。
  • "... biologists tracking the Covid pandemic forecast a long purgatory..." | 追踪新冠大流行的生物學家預測,一場漫長的煉獄將到來。
  • "It would also be a public health service to make sure that the data is presented simply and clearly, so that people can check it as effortlessly as they do the weather forecast. And just as with the weather, regular “Covid forecasts” should be featured on the local news — especially when a disaster is on the way." | 這也將是一項公共衛生服務,以確保資料的呈現簡單明了,以便人們可以像查看天氣預報一樣輕鬆查看資料。就像天氣一樣,定期的“新冠病毒預報”應該出現在當地新聞中——尤其是在災難即將來臨的時候。
COVID-19 rapid antigen testCOVID-19抗原快篩http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q106915773
Covid-19 Testing 新冠檢測http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q86901049
PCR TestPCR 檢測http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q176996
public health公共衛生http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q189603
wastewater 廢水http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q336191
wastewater monitoring廢水偵測http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q95586549
wastewater surveillance 廢水監測http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q98073976