Dopamine Girl₯: The science of binge-watching TV shows: Screens glow, time bends, and we find ourselves immersed in a strange kind of time: binge-watching. It’s a dance of pixels, a dynamic narrative film that blurs the line between fiction and reality. But what drives us to devote our waking hours to the fascination of binge-watching?
Introvert or extrovert, ask the dopamine girl ₯?: Today I stumbled upon an interesting study from the Scientific American about dopamine girls ₯ from ten years ago. The dopamine plays an important role in the biology behind extroversion-introversion. The mechanisms include dopamine's control of reward sensitivity。。。
Conductor of the target action symphony: Dopamine Girl₯: Scholars from the US-Japan joint neuroscience research, a recent study published in Neurophotonics pointed out that by observing the mesocortical pathway, the neural highway connecting the VTA and PFC, it is possible to decode how dopamine guides our actions 。。。
Mature Dopamine Girl₯: Do you like challenges but also need to be a little bored?: A May article in National Geographic about why dopamine drives you to do hard things—Even Without Rewards, tells us that dopamine is the real reason why we like to take on bigger challenges, like running a marathon or solving problems at work. problem。。。
Fairness and unfairness of dopamine: We use 3 figures to directly summarize this research in "Nature Human Behavior" on February 26, 2024: Dopamine and serotonin in the human substantia nigra track social context and value signals in the economic exchange process, the first discovery reveals brain chemicals that influence social behavior, signals that contribute to our brain's overall assessment of value during social interactions。。。