
The must-reads of Psalms 1~23


Psalm 23: LORD is my shepherd: The Lord takes care of me as his sheep; I will not be without any good thing. He makes a resting-place for me in the green fields: he is my guide by the quiet waters. He gives new life to my soul: he is my guide in the ways of righteousness because of his name... https://vocus.cc/article/66a59f62fd89780001e8fa6e

Psalm 22: Lord, you give me faith: My God, my God, why are you turned away from me? why are you so far from helping me, and from the words of my crying? O my God, I make my cry in the day, and you give no answer; and in the night, and have no rest. But you are holy, O you who are seated among the praises of Israel... https://vocus.cc/article/667fbc98fd8978000177f707
Psalm21: Our delight in Your salvation!: The king will be glad in your strength, O Lord; how great will be his delight in your salvation! You have given him his heart's desire, and have not kept back the request of his lips. (Selah.) For you go before him with the blessings of good things: you put a crown of fair gold on his head... https://vocus.cc/article/6677c2affd8978000165d59b
Psalm 20: Lord give you all your requests: May the Lord give ear to you in the day of trouble; may you be placed on high by the name of the God of Jacob; May he send you help from the holy place, and give you strength from Zion; May he keep all your offerings in mind, and be pleased with the fat of your burned offerings; (Selah.)
Psalm 19: night after night Lord gives Knowledge: The heavens are sounding the glory of God; the arch of the sky makes clear the work of his hands. Day after day it sends out its word, and night after night it gives knowledge. There are no words or language; their voice makes no sound... https://vocus.cc/article/6664fc9efd8978000128c5f8
Psalm 18: I will give you my love: Of the servant of the Lord, of David, who said the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord made him free from the hand of all his haters, and from the hand of Saul; and he said,> I will give you my love, O Lord, my strength.The Lord is my Rock, my walled town, and my saviour; my God, my Rock, in him will I put my faith; ...

Psalm 17:Keep me as the light of your eyes: Let my cause come to your ears, O Lord, give attention to my cry; give ear to my prayer which goes not out from false lips. Be my judge; for your eyes see what is right. You have put my heart to the test, searching me in the night; you have put me to the test and seen no evil purpose in me; I will keep my mouth from sin. https://vocus.cc/article/6652c93afd89780001655bb0
Psalm 16: You will make clear to me the way: Keep me safe, O God: for in you I have put my faith. O my soul, you have said to the Lord, You are my Lord: I have no good but you. As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the noble in whom is all my delight. Their sorrows will be increased who go after another god: I will not take drink offerings from their hands, ... 
Psalm 15: Who may have a resting-place?: Lord, who may have a resting-place in your tent, a living-place on your holy hill? He who goes on his way uprightly, doing righteousness, and saying what is true in his heart; Whose tongue is not false, who does no evil to his friend, and does not take away the good name of his neighbour;
Psalm 14: Lord is our support: The foolish man has said in his heart, God will not do anything. They are unclean, they have done evil works; there is not one who does good. The Lord was looking down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any who had wisdom, searching after God... https://vocus.cc/article/6636f2a7fd897800013de8b6

Psalm 13: Glad in YOUR salvation: Will you for ever put me out of your memory, O Lord? will your face for ever be turned away from me? How long is my soul to be in doubt, with sorrow in my heart all the day? how long will he who is against me be given power over me? Let my voice come before you, and give me an answer, O Lord my God; let your light be shining on me, so that the sleep of death may not overtake me

Psalm 12:YOUR words are true words: Send help, Lord, for mercy has come to an end; there is no more faith among the children of men. Everyone says false words to his neighbour: their tongues are smooth in their talk, and their hearts are full of deceit. The smooth lips and the tongue of pride will be cut off by the Lord... https://vocus.cc/article/66231ceafd8978000134d0f9